It’s Women’s History Month

As a woman, I appreciate the acknowledgment of Women’s History Month. The Life & Legacy Counselors is an all-woman firm. We celebrate the open appreciation of the contributions that women make. We truly are excited about the appreciation and acknowledgment that is often overlooked and underappreciated.

I am addressing this article to women. As an estate planning attorney and owner of the Life & Legacy Counselors, I sit with amazing women all of the time. So many of these women become my sheros as they share with me the work that they have done and the sacrifices they have made. I am in awe of the accomplishments that are not celebrated. 

So many women are focused on completion and the work but don’t take the time to self-celebrate. As a part of our process, we talk about the self-care that an individual includes as a part of their lives. Too often, women we work with focus only on the care of those that they love and don’t make time for the self-care.

Many of the women we work with to create their estate plans express that they aren’t doing it for themselves. They are often supporting the people they love by providing them with a level of security through estate planning.

I applaud the nurturing and caring of our families, blood-related and love-created. However, I want to acknowledge the women who are unsung. I am not seeking to provide accolades amazing women who are public acknowledged for being the first one to overcome a major hurdle to build the latest and greatest. I am grateful for the women who can prioritize taking care of themselves and getting the rest they need to live a fulfilling and healthy life. I am grateful for the woman who is able to make the priority of enforcing the balance in their lives between giving and protecting herself. I am grateful for the woman who can honestly say that she has had enough and just says no. These are role models and examples of the women that are successful.

So often women do not know how to be enough and appreciate there is time to sit and be quiet and celebrate that. There is a consistent demand to do and be more. With a focus on the gap and not the gain we undervalue who and what we bring. As women, there will always be someone to care for. There will always be someone else to prioritize. 

This Women’s History Month, I encourage every woman to celebrate herself. I want each woman to celebrate the many things she has overcome to get to where she is today. I want each woman to celebrate the gain and not the gap. It is my desire for this month for each woman to see her amazingness. We don’t need someone else to recognize us in order to be valued. We just need to value ourselves. That will amplify Herstory. 

The women of the Life & Legacy Counselors seek to serve the amazing women who are seeking to build their legacy through estate and business succession planning.

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